How To Get A Good Singing Voice At Home

If you want to know how to get a good singing voice at home, I am here to help you

It’s not very difficult to be a good singer. You just need to focus on a couple of things and when applied correctly you will improve your singing voice.

You don’t necessarily need to go and spends thousands of dollars on expensive singing lessons.

How to Get a Good Singing Voice at Home

Practice Your Breathing

How To Get A Good Singing Voice At Home

If you want to be a good singer, you will need to learn how to breathe correctly while singing.

You will need to learn to breathe from your belly, rather than your chest. By breathing from your belly, you will improve your singing voice and the ability to control it.

Lie on the floor on your back with your hands on your stomach. When you breathe in your hands will rise. Try and get your stomach to rise rather than your chest.

To practice this you can place something on your stomach, like some books. As you breathe try and get the books to rise. Try to breathe like this when you sing and this will improve your breathing and vocal performance.

Try and do some work on your inhaling also. If you can learn how to inhale from both your mouth and nose simultaneously rather than either one; it will greatly improve your breathing control.

Find Your Vocal Range

If you want to know how to get a good singing voice at home, you will need to find your vocal range.

You need to know your vocal range to find the songs you are most capable of singing. Once you find your vocal range, you must stay within it.

You often see singers who attempt to sing songs outside their vocal range. It can lead to missed notes, strained sounds, and in some circumstances damage their vocal cords. And let’s be honest, they can sound awful sometimes. Find what works for you and stick to it.

Warn Up Your Voice


If you plan on learning to sing at home, you will need to know how to warm up your voice.

Just like warming up before a run, you will need to warm up your voice. Often times, it’s so overlooked and can lead to damaging your vocal cords.

You might find you sound a little silly performing these warm-up exercises but believe me, they will be of great benefit to your voice.

There’s tonnes of different warm-up routines you can find online. Look through youtube or other good websites and find the one that works for you

If you are finding it difficult to find the right warm-up routine for you. There’s an online course called the 30 Day Singer (Review Here). In this course the creator walks you through some brilliant warm-up exercises.

Learn Proper Posture

Practicing proper singing posture is one of the best ways to improve your singing voice quickly. It’s so simple it’s often overlooked.

How do you practice proper singing posture?

Try and stand as tall and straight as possible with your chin parallel to the ground. This keeps your head high facing forward to help project your voice.

You can practice this by standing with your back against a wall. This can be done easily at home. The heel of your shoe, bum, shoulders, and head should be pressed against the wall. From there you’re in a good position to sing and project your voice.

Standing up straight against the wall will help with breathing from your belly. Try and practice this as much as you can.

You may feel uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to it and it will eventually become more natural to you.

Improve Your Diet

Singing utilizes your muscle movements with your diaphragm and mouth. Singers, just like runners rely on their muscles to perform.

The right diet for a singer isn’t too far from your ‘typical’ healthy diet. Plenty of healthy clean protein, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

To maintain and improve your vocal muscles and voice, singers need a healthy diet to protect and improve their vocal muscles and singing voice.

Vocal chords are fragile. If you sing a lot at home, they can become strained and dry. You need to try and keep them lubricated.

One of the best things you can do is drink a lot of water. If you are a singer; I recommend at least 2-3 liters a day.

A minimum of 500-700 ml with breakfast. In the morning your throat is at it’s driest. I try to have the same before going to bed.

Foods to avoid are foods that dry out your throat. We want to keep your vocal cords lubricated. The key foods to avoid are salty and spicy foods. So try and avoid takeaways like Chinese and Indian takeaways.

I have a full post done on the right diet for a singer. You can find it HERE.

Get An Online Course

This is probably the best thing you can do if you want to get a good singing voice at home. There are several online courses worth considering but my favorite is the 30 Day Singer.

The 30 Day Singer is like having a personal singing coach right in your own home that can help you become a better singer by helping you with the following:

  • Better Vocal Control
  • Develop Your Pitch
  • Improved Tone & Vocal Power
  • Increase Your Vocal Range
  • Learn Advanced Singing Techniques

The program is so easy to access. You can use it on your laptop, tablet or mobile. This allowed me to practice anywhere I like, not just at home.

I tend to get a little embarrassed practicing singing at home if there are people in the house. What I used to do is go for a stroll to the park and practice there if my house was busy.


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