How to Sing Beautifully?

Innate talent is not the only thing it takes to captivate your audience or impress the judges at an audition. In this article, I’ll share with you some tips on how to sing beautifully rather than just belting a song out.

No matter where you are in your voice journey, these tips will help you get from good to great.

Check Your Basics

It may sound boring and cliché, but take a moment to sing while standing in front of your mirror. Don’t be over conscious and start trying to change anything. Just be yourself and sing the way you usually do.

Chances are you’ll catch yourself making a little mistake or two somewhere. Perhaps it’s your posture, or maybe it’s the way you tense your shoulders up when you sing.

Did you maybe catch yourself squeaking or running short of breath at some point?

Commit yourself, and for the next week or so, every time you sing, take the time to look at yourself in the mirror and correct those little mistakes.

Here are a few quick checkpoints:

  • Keep your chest high and shoulders back.
  • Head should be held level and chin parallel to the floor.
  • Plant your feet firmly, but keep your knees loose and relaxed
  • Check that you’re breathing deeply from your lower lungs.

It takes a while to reprogram muscle memory, so give yourself some time. But a small effort here can give you huge results. There are plenty of sites offering free exercises to practice if you’d like to improve on your basics.

Improve Your Vocal Tone

How to Sing Beautifully?

It doesn’t matter what style of music you sing, the quality of your vocal tone is going to make a massive difference in how good you sound. 

We’ve all heard singers that can go super high in their range, but they sound forced and nasal. And lots of singers are great technically but don’t sound good simply because their vocal tone needs work.

One great way to improve your vocal tone is to practice singing as you speak. Hardly anyone sounds breathy or nasal when they speak naturally. The idea is to transfer the qualities of your speaking voice to your singing voice.

Try this 5-tone counting exercise:

  • Say the number ‘one’ aloud. Say it naturally in your normal speaking voice at a comfortable volume.
  • Find a comfy note at the bottom of your voice, and speak-sing the number ‘one’ at that pitch.
  • Now practice singing the numbers one through five on a 5-tone scale.

As you do this, you’ll feel how much stronger your voice sounds. Don’t worry if you find your vocal tone getting too breathy.

Just go back and repeat the exercise over. Do this daily, and people will soon start noticing how much fuller and richer your vocal tone sounds!

Strengthen Your Voice

A powerful voice can be very compelling to listen to, leaving your audience hanging on to every word and waiting for more. With a strong voice, you can project those big, loud notes with hardly any extra effort.

One reason many singers have a weak, breathy voice is that their vocal cords are not closing correctly. When you sing with your cords partially open and try to sing loudly, you end up pushing too much air through.

There are technical exercises to work on the strength of your voice, but often the first step is to adjust your thought processes.

  • Every time you practice singing loudly, visualize your vocal cords closing fully. It will make actually closing them much simpler as you do your exercises.
  • Another mental concept is pulling your sound down as opposed to pushing it up into a note. When you sing a note, visualize yourself, pulling it down toward you. If you instead reach upwards, you’ll cut off your air.

Developing a powerful voice is not like running. Pushing yourself to the point of pain will only make things worse, not better.

Focus on achieving a balance, and work to improve whichever part of your voice needs improving as you go along.

Good Enunciation = Beautiful Singing

It may sound obvious, but good enunciation is something a lot of singers don’t really have. Of course, there are allowable differences basing on your chosen style of singing.

But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter that you’re hitting all the right notes if you’re mumbling.

Improving your enunciation is a very quick way to improve your singing, and you’ll see results right from your next performance.

It’s all about forming all your syllables fully, and singing your words exactly as you intend in your mind to better convey your lyrical message.

Try these simple exercises to improve your enunciation quickly:

  • Practice your vowels and consonants: work on each vowel and consonant individually, and sing them in different ways. Practice your vowels with different consonant sounds attached at the beginning. Work through all the possible combinations.
  • Try tongue twisters: we’ve all had our bad moments while performing when we end up singing a different sound than what we intended. One great way to make problematic syllable combinations easier is to practice tongue twisters.

Expand Your Vocal Range

We all want to be able to sing beautifully, and part of what people perceive as beauty in singing is the vocal range. Some singers are limited to two octaves, while a lucky few can go through five or six.

There are physical limitations to how big your vocal range is. But what many people don’t realize is that their current singing voice doesn’t utilize their full natural range. And there are many exercises you can do to get to the top (and bottom) of your vocal range.

The Lip Trill

It is a great way to get to those top notes safely with your registers in a mix, as opposed to singing in falsetto.

The lip trill is a compressor on your voice, boosting the notes that you usually sing in falsetto. It also helps to reduce strain.

  • Start by blowing some air out to make your lips flap together.
  • Relax, and let your lips gently vibrate. Don’t try to force the air through.
  • Find a comfortable pitch and sing ‘uh’ while doing the lip trill.
  • Practice this with a few scales

Work On Your Vibrato

Excessive vibrato may not suit all singing styles, but let’s face it. A certain amount of vibrato can help you sound good, no matter your singing style.

It adds warmth and timbre to your voice and can make you sound richer and more mature.

To improve on your natural vibrato, you need to begin with a healthy posture and proper breathing technique. It’s also important to release any tension from your body and remain relaxed.

Learning a good vibrato takes time, and is more than a single article can teach you. There are no shortcuts, and a good vibrato is the result of an excellent overall singing technique.

Instead of trying to teach you what to do, here are a few things you should definitely avoid.

Don’t try to achieve vibrato by:

  • Pulsing your abdominal muscles
  • Quivering or shaking your jaw
  • Introducing any extraneous movement as you sing

If you can’t get a voice coach to help you get a good vibrato, there are also some affordable (or even free) guides on the internet.

Our Number 1 recommendation is 30 Day Singer (Full Review Here). Their online singing lessons offer some amazing content and video tutorials.

30 Day Singer has one video lesson in particular in their advanced lesson section that covers how to sing vibrato. You can sign up for a free trial below to check it out.

Be Confident and Expressive

Singing, especially in front of an audience, can be a daunting ordeal. You may get caught up worrying about the million and one things that could go wrong.

And mistakes do happen, but it’s so not the end of the world. Everyone messes up, even the singing superstars!

It can be hard to stay in control and stay relaxed, but you can do it.

  • Take a few deep, calming breaths before you start singing, on stage or off.
  • Go through as many relaxation exercises as you have the time for. Work through each body part, especially the head, jaw, neck, and shoulders.

Sing because you enjoy it, not because you’re being pressurized to. Remind yourself of all the reasons you love to sing and forget everything else. Don’t focus so hard on the technique that you end up ignoring expression.

Let your emotions flow into your voice as you sing. It is one sure way of capturing your audience and keeping them captivated.

How Can I Make My Voice Beautiful For Singing?

There are many great singers out there, and believe me, not all of them started out that way. Don’t let anyone tell you that you were either born with it or without.

No matter what your voice is capable of now, you can learn how to sing more beautifully.

Some of the tips in this article, like practicing enunciation and working on your basics, will show in your singing immediately.

Other techniques, like improving your vibrato and expanding your vocal range, take a bit more time.

Just remember, your voice is a combination of so many things and sounds best when the individual components are balanced. Don’t push too hard and give yourself time.


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